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The President / The Prince. Due Machiavelli, Niccolo Machiavelli

The President / The Prince. Due Machiavelli, Niccolo Machiavelli

Author of the book deduces laws of governing, uniform for the different countries, different times and societies. Action and the identity of modern sovereigns – presidents, prime ministers, leaders of parties influence millions of citizens. In the book it is shown, what logic is followed by actions of the first person of the state, how he considered position of the country and society in the changing world. Close up the behavior of the ruler as persons is considered. "President" is written based on Nicolo Machiavelli's work "The Prince" created 500 years ago. In addition, Machiavelli's "The Prince" the book council addressed to rulers and telling how it is necessary to operate the state is in parallel published


… To comprehend essence of the people it is necessary to be the sovereign, and to comprehend the nature of sovereigns it is necessary to belong to people.

Niccolo Machiavelli

The states of the modern world can be divided into three types. Distinctions are defined by how strongly their internal processes influence world around, their opportunities to control world financial and information streams are how great.


It is simplest to determine type of the country by news of the international media. So, the storm on the American Hawaii, in the country of the first type, will be discussed practically around the world, and here the "Great African war" of 1998–2002 which claimed about four million lives almost didn't find reflection in TV news as it was conducted in the countries of the third type. It is possible to carry those states which internal affairs are only sometimes noticeable for the international community to the second type, infringe on interests of the remote countries. So, change of an economic situation in China has impact on many economies, in difference, let's say, from changes of trade in to the western Africa.

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